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Text + Image (06_02)

On landing pages/distributor pages and detailed article pages, the “Text + Image” module is used in the content area in order to display copy text in flexible length and in combination with an appropriate image.

Text + Image: Module view
Text + Image module in the content area

This is how the module works

The module consists of the following components:
1. Text - Headline (optional)
- Continuous text with the following formatting options: Headlines H2 and H3, superscript and subscript text, bold, lists, links (internal, external, download)
2. Image The image can be placed left or right, and the height can be adapted to the text using the image cropping function.
Cropped image - width 335 px (use in content area)
- width 605 px (use in bottom area)
- width 450 px (mobile view)
Lightbox (optional) Opens an enlarged view of the image in a lightbox

The module can be used in the following templates and page areas:

Template and page area: Text + Image
The blue area indicates that the module is applicable.
Spacing Guide
Description: Spacing values used in the dimensioned screenshots
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