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Image Teaser Slider (01_08)

The “Image Teaser Slider” displays multiple image teasers in a row, which can be shifted (“slided”) left or right using arrow keys. This module is primarily suitable for providing teasers to large volumes of content on a small area of the screen.

Image Teaser Slider: Module view
Image Teaser Slider in the footer area of a page

This is how the module works

There are various display options for the Image Teaser Slider:

  • One box: In the main content, the module is displayed at full width, and always contains only one single image teaser.
  • One box across full width: In the main content, the module is displayed at full width, and always displays only one single image teaser at a time.
  • Two boxes: In the main content, the module is displayed at full width, and always displays two image teasers simultaneously.
  • Three boxes: In the main content, the module is displayed at full width, and always displays three image teasers simultaneously.
  • Four boxes (only in stage and bottom): This mode only works in the stage area and the bottom area.
  • Background colour grey/white: can only be selected in the stage and bottom, otherwise the background is white
The module consists of the following components:
1. Headline
displayed centred above the slider
2. Teaser - any number
- Image and/or video teaser possible
Image - typically three or four in a row
- 4:3 format, must be at least 450px wide
Video (optional) Video ID from YouTube or MovingImage24 - the play button is automatically displayed on the thumbnail
Kicker (optional) Character limit: 84 for three teasers and 77 for four
Headline/teaser text Character limit: 78 characters for three teasers and 77 for four
Teaser text (optional) Character limit: limited to 340 characters for three teasers and 280 for four
Link - internal or external

Note: The entire teaser is linked, including the image. The teaser can also be displayed without a link destination.
3. Slider navigation This will only be displayed if the slider contains more individual teasers than can be displayed simultaneously.

The module can be used in the following templates and page areas:

Template and page area: Image Teaser Slider
The blue area indicates that the module is applicable.
Spacing Guide
Description: Spacing values used in the dimensioned screenshots
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