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Stage Teaser flexible (06_16)

The “Stage Teaser (flexible)” module is used on the start page and on landing pages and distributor pages, exclusively in the stage area. On the start page and distributor pages, it is primarily used for presenting the most important content to the user, and to guide them to the corresponding page area. On landing pages, it is primarily used to create an aesthetically pleasing introduction to the page.

Stage Teaser flexible - Module view
Stage Teaser (flexible) on the start page

This is how the module works

The module consists of the following components:
1. Templates The two templates can be used individually or combined with one another.
Templates A (first series) Selection between the following templates for the first row:
- Template with one or two teasers
- Template with three teasers
- Template with six teasers
- Template with eight teasers
Templates B (second series) Selection between the following templates for the second row:
- Template with three teasers (incl. mission statement)
- Template with three teasers (incl. hero teaser)
- Template with four teasers
2. Teaser There are different teasers within the template
Hero-Teaser - headline and sub-headline (blue stripes)
- Text position: top left or bottom left
- Image with link or video (YouTube or MI24 ID)
- Cinemagraph (Flixel) with optional link
Press/News Teaser - Headline
- Text
- Link to content page, press release or external content
Quick links - Select background colour: grey or blue
- Links: internal and external
Button Teaser - Headline;
- Text
- Image
- Button link to content page, press release or external content
Mission Statement (only within the Templates B) - Headline 1
- Headline 2
- Image
- Link to content page,
- Press release or external content

Note: The required image resolution varies depending on the teaser.

The module can be used in the following templates and page areas:

Template and page area: Stage Teaser (flexible)
The blue area indicates that the module is applicable.
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