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Slider Container Facts + Figures (07_06)

The “Slider Container (Facts & Figures)” module places multiple images together with a CTA within a slider. The centred orientation of the module makes it particularly suitable for start and overview pages, and for landing pages.

Slider Container Facts + Figures - Module view
Slider Container Facts + Figures in the footer area of a page

This is how the module works

The module consists of the following components:
1. Headline - small headline: positioned at top (optional)
- large headline: positioned below the small headline
2. Slides any number
Image or vector graphic Cropped image: width 880px or width 450px for mobile view
CTA (optional) - internal or external
- individual link possible for each slide
- individual positioning: left, right or centred below the respective slide

The module can be used in the following templates and page areas:

Template and page area: Slider Container Facts + Figures
The blue area indicates that the module is applicable.
Spacing Guide
Description: Spacing values used in the dimensioned screenshots
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