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Text + Image Teaser (06_17)

The “Text + Image Teaser” module allows a combination of text and image with a headline and a button to be displayed over the entire width of the grid. It can only be used in the stage area. In contrast to the combination module “Text + Image”, this module is more conversion-oriented, and in contrast to the “Text Image Teaser + Badge” module, it cannot display a badge. It is particularly suitable for use on landing pages.

Text + Image Teaser: Module view
Text + Image Teaser in the stage area

This is how the module works

The module consists of the following components:
1. Headline
2. Teaser any number, displayed below one another
Image/Video - only image,
- Video (YouTube or MI24 ID) with thumbnail (image resolution: 1/3 = width 548px, height 410px | 1/2 = width 668px, height 375px | 2/3 = width 886 | height 500px)
- or Flixel
Text - Headline: superscript/subscript text also possible
- Text: Formatting as standard, intro text, quotation or small text, superscript/subscript text, and the option of creating a list
- Optional: Link as a button or text link with arrow: internal (content page, press release or application with pre-filtering) or external, each with link text

The manner of display can be defined for each individual teaser:

  • Layout: Image 1/3 | Text 2/3, Image 2/3 | Text 1/3, Image 1/2 | Text 1/2
  • Background: grey or white
  • Text: left or right

The spacing to the next module can also be reduced.

The module can be used in the following templates and page areas:

Template and page area: Text + Image Teaser
The blue area indicates that the module is applicable.
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