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Countdown Teaser (14_08)

The “Countdown Teaser” module is used in particular to display the time remaining during special promotions and campaigns. Next to an image and a description, a running countdown is the central element of the module.

Countdown Teaser: Module view
Countdown teaser in the margin column

This is how the module works

The module consists of the following components:
1. Text - Headline
- Sub-headline: maximum one line permitted
- Teaser text

Note: In the right column, the module is displayed without sub-headline and teaser text.
2. Link optional, the yellow CTA button is also displayed without a link
3. Image no special image cropping
4. Countdown - End of the countdown
- update interval: in seconds

Note: The end of the countdown must be in the future. When the countdown has finished, the module still remains visible with remaining time = 0.

The module can be used in the following templates and page areas:

Template and page area: Countdown Teaser
The blue area indicates that the module is applicable.
Spacing Guide
Description: Spacing values used in the dimensioned screenshots
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