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Link list (04_02)

The “Link list” is used on detailed article pages in the content area, or in the margin column, for the clearly structured and compact display of links to further pages. It can also be used to display benefit lists, e.g. the advantages of a product.

Link List - Module view
Link list in the margin column

This is how the module works

The module consists of the following components:
1. Headline
2. Text Short description of the list
3. Benefit icons If the benefit icons are activated, the list entries will appear with a blue tick. The list can thus also be used instead of a collection of links to display certain benefits or advantages of a product.
4. Links - internal: Content pages, press releases, applications with pre-filtering (press, media library, publications)
- external

The module can be used in the following templates and page areas:

Template and page area: Link list
The blue area indicates that the module is applicable.
Spacing Guide
Description: Spacing values used in the dimensioned screenshots
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