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Organisational Chart (02_03)

The “Organisational Chart” module shows lists of text blocks in three or four columns, and is therefore very suitable for displaying organisational structures. This is primarily used on article pages.

Organisational Chart - Module view
Organisational Chart in the content area

This is how the module works

The module consists of the following components:
1. Headline Headline for the entire table
2. Lists - The individual columns consist of lists with any number of list elements.
- List headline and sub-headline (optional)
List elements any number:
- Text (only standard formatting)
- abbreviation (optional)
- Footnote (optional)
Colour display:
- white text on dark grey background
- dark grey text on a light grey background
- white text on blue background

Note: A colour must always be selected for the list elements.
Text definitions (optional) Legend for the list elements used (If a definition is not completed, the corresponding legend element will not appear either.)

The module can be used in the following templates and page areas:

Template and page area: Organisational Chart
The blue area indicates that the module is applicable.
Spacing Guide
Description: Spacing values used in the dimensioned screenshots
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